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October 21, 2020 Maine Minimum Wage
The Maine Minimum wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $12.00 per hour to $12.15 per hour effective January 1, 2021. Order Updated Poster >
October 8, 2020 Hawaii Fair Employment
The Hawaii Fair Employment poster has been updated to reflect two new protected categories. Reproductive health decisions have been added as a protected class under Hawaii’s anti-discrimination laws. In addition, employers are prohibited from requiring an employee to enter into, as a condition of employment, a nondisclosure agreement that prevents them from disclosing or discussing sexual harassment or assault that occurred in the workplace. Order Updated Poster >
October 8, 2020 Hawaii OSHA
The Hawaii OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a web address change for the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division. Order Updated Poster >
October 8, 2020 Hawaii Unemployment Insurance
The Hawaii Unemployment Insurance poster has been updated to reflect the addition of a general unemployment insurance information phone number and the addition of an email address for employees to request language services for COVID-19 related emails. Order Updated Poster >
October 6, 2020 Maryland Earned Sick and Safe Leave
The Maryland Earned Sick and Safe Leave poster has been updated to reflect an amendment to the Maryland Healthy Working Families Act. The new law amends and expands the definition of family member for paid sick leave purposes to include a legal ward of an employee as well as the legal guardian or ward of the employee’s spouse. Order Updated Poster >
October 2, 2020 Maryland Equal Pay for Equal Work
The Maryland Equal Pay for Equal Work poster has been updated to reflect two amendments to the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act. The first amendment requires an employer, during the hiring process, to provide the wage range for the position to which the applicant applied, and prohibits an employer from retaliating, seeking or relying on the applicant’s wage history in screening a job applicant. The second amendment prohibits employers from retaliating against an employee for inquiring about their own wages. Order Updated Poster >
October 2, 2020 Rhode Island Minimum Wage
The Rhode Island Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the state minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $10.50 per hour to $11.50 per hour effective October 1, 2020. Order Updated Poster >
October 2, 2020 Rhode Island Unemployment Insurance
The Rhode Island Unemployment Insurance poster has been updated to reflect a phone number change for filing an unemployment insurance claim with the Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training. Order Updated Poster >
September 25, 2020 Maryland Health Insurance
The Maryland Health Insurance poster has been updated to reflect a name change to the agency. A new law was passed renaming the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation to the Maryland Department of Labor. Order Updated Poster >
September 25, 2020 Maryland Unemployment Insurance
The Maryland Unemployment Insurance poster has been updated to reflect a name change to the agency. A new law was passed renaming the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation to the Maryland Department of Labor. Order Updated Poster >

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