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Labor Law Updates

July 2, 2021 Virginia Human Rights
The Virginia Human Rights poster has been released by the Virginia Attorney General’s Office. A new law amends the Virginia Human Rights Act to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability. Employers are also required to post this notice in the workplace under the new amendments. Order Updated Poster >
July 2, 2021 Virginia Disability Accommodation
The Virginia Disability Accommodation poster has been released by the Virginia Attorney General’s Office.  A new law requires employers to post a notice in the workplace concerning an employee’s rights to reasonable accommodation for disabilities. Order Updated Poster >
June 24, 2021 Nevada DETR
The Nevada DETR Poster has been released by the Nevada Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation (DETR). A new law requires employers to post a notice in the workplace concerning job training and employment programs conducted by the DETR, including information on the Career Enhancement Program and Nevada JobConnect. Order Updated Poster >
June 24, 2021 Nevada Sick Leave
The Nevada Sick Leave poster has been released by the Nevada Office of the Labor Commissioner, Department of Business and Industry.  A new law requires employers who provide paid or unpaid sick leave to allow an employee to use any accrued sick leave to care for family member with an illness, injury, medical appointment or other authorized medical need. Employers are also required to post this notice in the workplace here all employee may see it. Order Updated Poster >
June 24, 2021 Nevada COVID-19 Vaccination Leave
The Nevada COVID-19 Vaccination Leave poster has been released by the Nevada Office of the Labor Commissioner, Department of Business and Industry.  A new law requires employers to provide employees with p to 4 hours of paid leave for the purposes of receiving a COVID-19 vaccine.  Employers are also required to post this notice in the workplace where all employee may see it. Order Updated Poster >
June 24, 2021 Nevada Minimum Wage
The Nevada Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage effective July 1, 2021. The minimum wage will increase from $8.00 per hour to $8.75 per hour for employees to whom qualifying health benefits ae offered or made available. The minimum wage will increase from $9.00 per hour to $9.75 per hour for all other employees. Order Updated Poster >
June 24, 2021 Nevada Unemployment Insurance
The Nevada Unemployment Insurance poster has been updated to reflect a web address change for filing a claim for unemployment benefits online. Order Updated Poster >
June 15, 2021 Michigan Unemployment Insurance
The Michigan Unemployment Insurance poster has been updated to reflect that the Michigan Unemployment Insurance Agency will reinstate the work search requirements for unemployment benefits. To remain eligible for unemployment benefits, claimants must actively seek work and report at least one work search activity for each week they claim benefits. Order Updated Poster >
June 15, 2021 Ohio Fair Employment
The Ohio Fair Employment poster has been updated to reflect the addition of a protected category under Ohio’s Civil Rights Act and shortened the period for filing claims under the Act. The Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) has added sexual orientation and gender identity to the protected categories, and shortened the time period for filing a claim with the OCRC. Order Updated Poster >
June 11, 2021 District of Columbia Family and Medical Leave Act During COVID-19
The District of Columbia Family and Medical Leave Act During COVID-19 poster has been updated to reflect that the temporary amendments to the District of Columbia Family and Medical Leave Act to create new job-protected leave for employees for various COVID-19 reasons has been extended through September 30, 2021. Order Updated Poster >

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