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Labor Law Updates

April 3, 2020 Iowa OSHA
The Iowa OSHA poster has been updated to clarify that employees can file a complaint with OSHA within 30 days of retaliation or discrimination by an employer for making safety and health complaints or for exercising their rights under the OSH Act. In addition, an employee has the right to copies of their medical records or records of their exposure to toxic and harmful substances or conditions. This posting appears on the Iowa Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
March 20, 2020 Utah OSHA
The Utah OSHA poster has been updated to reflect that employees now have the right to request and participate in a UOSH inspection when there are unsafe or unhealthful conditions in the workplace. Employers and employees may also file a complaint about the state program administration with the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. This posting appears on the Utah Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
February 20, 2020 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation.  For your convenience, and to minimize the number of individual postings, the poster set has also been reformatted.  This posting appears on the Nevada Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
February 3, 2020 Michigan OSHA
The Michigan OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a name change to the enforcing agency. The agency was renamed from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to the Michigan Department of Labor and Economic Opportunity. This posting appears on the Michigan Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
October 10, 2019 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations was also increased. This posting appears on the Nevada Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
August 19, 2019 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations was also increased. Order Updated Poster >
July 12, 2019 Indiana OSHA
The Indiana OSHA poster has been updated to reflect an amendment made to the Indiana Occupational Safety and Health Act. The law was amended to increase the maximum penalty to $132,598 for each employee fatality resulting from an employer violating safety regulations. This posting appears on the Indiana Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
February 25, 2019 Kentucky OSHA
The Kentucky OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a transfer of duties from the Occupational Safety and Health Standards Board to the Kentucky Labor Cabinet. Order Updated Poster >
January 17, 2019 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to those certain employers who were previously exempt from the law are now subject to the penalty provisions of the Virginia Occupational Safety and Health law. Order Updated Poster >
August 13, 2020 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations also increased. Order Updated Poster >
October 8, 2020 Hawaii OSHA
The Hawaii OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a web address change for the Hawaii Occupational Safety and Health Division. Order Updated Poster >
December 14, 2020 California OSHA
The California OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a new safety rule requiring employers to provide employees with access to their written Injury and Illness Prevention Plan. This posting appears on the California Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
January 25, 2021 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
October 20, 2021 Kentucky OSHA
The Kentucky OSHA poster has been updated with new workplace injury and illness reporting requirements. Employers must now report to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health Compliance the work-related death of an employee, including death resulting from a heart attack, within 8 hours, from when the incident is reported to the employer, the employer’s agent, or another employee. Work-related incidents resulting in the loss of an eye, an amputation, or the in-patient hospitalization of an employee, including hospitalization resulting from a heart attack, must be reported to the Division of Occupational Safety and Health Compliance within 72 hours from when the incident is reported to the employer, the employer’s agent, or another employee. Order Updated Poster >
November 10, 2021 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations also increased. Order Updated Poster >
January 31, 2022 Oregon OSHA
The Oregon OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a new law extending the statute of limitations applicable to employees who file complaints with the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries. The new law extends the statute of limitation from 90 days to one year when reporting discrimination and retaliation workplace safety complaints. Order Updated Poster >
February 28, 2022 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
April 26, 2022 Iowa OSHA
The Iowa OSHA poster has been updated to reflect an address change for employees to contact when notifying the Iowa Division of Labor Services of workplace hazards. Order Updated Poster >
July 22, 2022 Alaska OSHA
The Alaska OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations was also increased. Order Updated Poster >
July 22, 2022 Washington OSHA
The Washington OSHA poster has been updated to reflect an amended regulation extending the number of days to file a complaint with the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries and number of days required to display a citation for a violation in the workplace. Order Updated Poster >
September 21, 2022 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations also increased. Order Updated Poster >
November 9, 2022 North Carolina OSHA
The North Carolina OSHA poster has been updated to reflect that the North Carolina Labor Commissioner has 60 calendar days from the date the U.S. Department of Labor publishes the final annually adjusted civil penalties to adjust and publish the state penalties in the North Carolina Register. Order Updated Poster >
January 27, 2023 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
August 14, 2023 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
September 8, 2023 Alaska OSHA
he Alaska OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. The penalty for willful violations also increased. Order Updated Poster >
October 6, 2023 Wyoming OSHA
The Wyoming OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new penalty information. Any willful violation resulting in the death of an employee, upon conviction of an employer, is punishable by fines, by imprisonment for not more than six (6) months, or both. Conviction of an employer after a first conviction doubles these maximum penalties. Order Updated Poster >
December 14, 2023 California OSHA
The California OSHA poster has been updated to reflect that an employer receiving a citation, Order to Take Special Action, or Special Order must post it or a copy, including a multi-language employee notification, at or near the place of the violation or unsafe condition for three working days, or until the unsafe condition is corrected, to warn employees of danger that may exist. Order Updated Poster >
February 16, 2024 Kentucky OSHA
The Kentucky OSHA poster has been updated to reflect that certain employers are required to submit injury and illness data electronically to The agency name has also been changed to the Kentucky Education and Labor Cabinet. Order Updated Poster >
February 23, 2024 Nevada OSHA
The Nevada OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
March 19, 2024 Oregon OSHA
The Oregon OSHA poster has been updated to reflect a new law regarding an employee’s right to refuse to perform dangerous work. A new law prohibits employers from retaliating or discriminating against an employee who refuses to perform a hazardous task that would expose them to imminent danger or serious physical harm and there is no reasonable alternative. Order Updated Poster >
August 15, 2024 Virginia OSHA
The Virginia OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
November 6, 2024 Maryland OSHA
The Maryland OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new penalty amounts for violations of the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act. The poster was also updated to reflect that beginning January 1, 2025, the Commissioner of Labor will annually increase the maximum and minimum willful civil penalties for Maryland OSHA violations. Order Updated Poster >
December 13, 2024 Alaska OSHA
The Alaska OSHA poster has been updated to reflect new mandatory penalty amounts for each serious violation, non-serious violation, and daily penalty for failing to correct a violation. Order Updated Poster >
December 30, 2024 Oregon OSHA
The Oregon OSHA poster has been updated to reflect some reformatting and an updated address for submitting complaints regarding the administration of the Oregon Safe Employment Act. Order Updated Poster >

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