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Labor Law Updates

Do You Know When Foreign Language Postings Are Necessary for Your Business?

It’s one thing to keep up with federal-level employment laws and related postings … it’s quite another when you drill down to the state, county and city level. While the federal requirements are limited to a handful of postings, mandatory postings in certain states can climb into the double digits.

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New, Higher Labor Law Posting Fines Carry a Hefty Price Tag for Non-Compliant Businesses

Are your workplace postings complete and current? If the answer is anything but “yes,” the risk of labor law posting fines is greater than ever.

The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently published adjusted penalties for posting violations, effective January 15, 2023.

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The Top 5: Which States Have Passed the Most Employment Laws Requiring Workplace Postings?

It’s one thing to keep up with federal-level employment laws and related postings … it’s quite another when you drill down to the state, county and city level. While the federal requirements are limited to a handful of postings, mandatory postings in certain states can climb into the double digits. Depending on the states in which you operate and the areas of legislative activity, you’re looking at a much more complex compliance situation.

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Keep Employer-Required Postings Current and Complete Heading into 2023

Labor law posting compliance is an ever-changing responsibility for U.S. employers. And there’s no better time to review the requirements – and ensure your postings are current and complete -- than the first of the year. Remember, too that posting compliance is your first line of defense with a government audit or employee lawsuit, so it’s important to get it right year-round. Follow these 10 basic steps to get your business in line now:

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Are You a Joint Employer? Be Aware of Shared Posting Compliance Requirements Under Final DOL Rule

Every U.S. employer is responsible for displaying certain mandatory labor law postings. Meet that responsibility and you’re in the clear, right? Not so fast. What if you outsource HR functions or payroll to another company, or lease workers from a temp or staffing agency? Alternatively, what if your...

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