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Labor Law Updates

FMLA in Action: 8 Real-World Examples to Keep Your Company Compliant

In most cases, the decision to approve or deny an employee’s request for time off is straightforward. Does the employee have available PTO? Did they follow established procedures, such as giving proper advance notice? Will other employees be available to cover the work?

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Keep Current with Ever-Changing Employment Laws with Attorney-Developed Service

Navigating today’s legal and regulatory landscape is a persistent challenge for employers. Beyond labor law posters and employee handouts, you must keep abreast of ever-evolving federal, state, county and city employment laws and determine their impact on your business...

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Asking Employees to Work More Hours? Understand What Is Legally Acceptable with Mandatory Overtime

The current worker shortage is putting the squeeze on employers and forcing them to take new measures to run their businesses. For example, many employers are dealing with stagnant hiring and skeleton crews by requesting employees to “volunteer” to work extra hours.

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Strengthen Your Defense Against a Department of Labor (DOL) Investigation

One employee complaint. That’s all it takes to trigger a Department of Labor (DOL) investigation. And in most cases, those investigations are due to questionable time and pay practices. There are explicit rules regarding minimum wage, overtime pay, exemption classification and recordkeeping under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) — and the DOL will step in if the rules are violated.

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Is Your Business Among the 30+ States Now Requiring Human Trafficking Posters?

Human trafficking involves the exploitation of individuals for labor or commercial sex through force, fraud or coercion, typically affecting vulnerable populations of women, children, migrants and marginalized communities

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