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Labor Law Updates

FAQs About Possible Exemptions with Labor Law Posting Requirements

Are labor law posters required? It’s a question that comes up a lot with certain businesses, where they assume they’re exempt from the requirements. This Q &A article addresses a handful of possible scenarios, and whether or not workplace postings still apply.

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Communicating Labor Law Posters with Remote Employees … and Other Compliance Challenges to Overcome

The data is clear — remote work is here to stay, and it’s creating unique compliance challenges for employers — including how to share labor law posters with remote employees.

As you adjust your practices to accommodate a hybrid workplace and/or remote work, learn about the latest guidance from government agencies – and how to comply with key legal issues.

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7 Tips for Complete Legal Compliance When Managing Hourly Remote Workers

Managing hourly remote workers comes with a whole host of compliance requirements. In addition to crucial time and pay considerations under the FLSA, you must implement and communicate company policies and provide mandatory labor law postings via an electronic service. Get the details on seven practical pointers that can ensure a positive, productive and legal arrangement with hourly remote workers.

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What Employers Should Know About Workers’ Comp for Remote Employees

The workers’ compensation system was established to provide benefits to employees who suffer a work-related injury or illness. But many employers are surprised to learn that workers’ comp coverage doesn’t just apply to on-site workers. Remote workers are also typically covered under the laws.

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Are You Required to Give Employees Paid Time Off to Vote? Check Your State Laws Before the Upcoming Election

As election season nears, you’re bound to get requests from employees for time off to vote. Do you know your legal obligations with such requests — and have you implemented a clear time off to vote policy to guide employees? Check out this overview of state voting laws so you know what to cover in your policy and how to respond if employees ask for time off.

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