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Your Business Is Not Fully Compliant If You’re Overlooking Industry-Specific Labor Law Posters

For most employers, grasping the depth and breadth of workplace postings is challenging. Just when you think you have a handle on the complexities, a law or regulation changes — or a new requirement emerges, such as industry-specific labor law posters.

Yes, you read that right … industry-specific labor law posters. They are a commonly overlooked area of compliance, but they must be addressed to ensure your business is fully protected.

Understanding the Additional Postings That Apply to Your Business

The businesses most impacted by industry-specific labor law posters are federal contractors, healthcare facilities, restaurants and public sector employers. If you fall under any of these categories, you must display industry-specific postings beyond the base postings required for all U.S. employers.

Federal contractors. Any company that provides goods or services directly to the federal government — or that works on federally financed construction projects — must display up to 11 additional employee notices (13 if you’re in the construction industry). Your specific obligations will depend on the types of contracts and the government agencies you contract with. In some cases, the dollar amount of the contract may also dictate posting requirements. Potential postings include:

  • Minimum Wage for Federal Contractors (Updated in Jan. 2022)
  • “EEO Is the Law” Supplement for Federal Contractors
  • Pay Transparency
  • Paid Sick Leave for Federal Contractors
  • National Labor Relations Act
  • Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act/Service Contract Act
  • DOD Hotline
  • DHS Hotline
  • Notice to Workers with Disabilities
  • Bilingual Right to Work
  • Bilingual E-Verify

Plus, these two additional postings for construction industry contractors:

  • Davis-Bacon Act
  • DOT Federal Highway Construction

Be aware: You run the risk of steep fines and even the loss of government contracts or funding if you don’t post these applicable federal contractor postings. Contracts can be suspended or cancelled just for failing to comply.

Did you know that federal contractor posters tend to change more frequently? These changes may include brand-new posters and/or mandatory updates to current posters.

Healthcare facilities. If your business is a medical office, hospital, clinic, urgent care center or nursing home, you may be responsible for up to 17 additional notices, depending on your state and the business you operate. Most healthcare labor law posters focus on bio-hazardous materials, radiation and private health information (HIPAA), such as:

  • Radiation Notices
  • Employee Notices Regarding Patient Rights
  • Bloodborne Pathogens
  • Health Effects from Contaminated Water in Eyewash Stations
  • Safe Patient Handling Programs

Restaurants. Restaurants and food-service establishments must display up to five specific employee notices. Depending on your state, these restaurant labor law posters may address hand washing, choking assistance, CPR, tips and wages, and service of alcohol to minors. State-dependent predictive scheduling and fair work week laws may also necessitate employee-facing postings to inform employees of their rights.

Public sector employers. Unlike the private sector, public sector employers are owned and operated by the government and provide specialty services, such as the military, public transit, primary education and healthcare for the poor. Besides the typical federal, state and local requirements, public sector employers must display special notices and a unique federal poster that includes FLSA and OSHA postings. Individual states also have their own public sector posting requirements, such as:

  • E-Verify
  • Right to Know
  • Whistleblower Rights
  • Notices About Electronic Monitoring, Privacy and Smoking

Other industries. While not as extensive as the industries already covered, additional postings may come into play for agricultural employers, hotels and real estate businesses. For example, certain agricultural employers are responsible for posters covering the agricultural minimum wage, employee rights under the H-2A program and pesticide safety. Depending on applicable state and local laws, hotels may need to post living wage and human trafficking posters. And for real estate businesses selling or renting homes, state-level fair housing postings may be necessary beyond the federal fair housing poster.

Expand Your Compliance Protection with Industry-Specific Services

With constantly changing federal, state, local and industry-specific laws, you need a resource that provides peace of mind around the clock.

Poster Guard® Compliance Protection for Federal Contractors satisfies all current posting requirements for companies that do business with the federal government. As with all Poster Guard services, it includes a full year of legal monitoring and automatic replacements whenever a mandatory posting change occurs.

In addition, we offer industry-specific add-on services for healthcare facilities , restaurants and public sector employers in all 50 states. When combined with your annual Poster Guard service, you’ll receive the standard federal, state and local posters, PLUS the special industry-specific postings needed for full compliance.

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