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Labor Law Updates

May 28, 2020 New Jersey Worker Misclassification
The New Jersey Worker Misclassification poster has been released by the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development. The New Jersey Worker Misclassification poster summarizes the prohibition against employers misclassifying employees, what is used to determine whether an individual is an employee or an independent contractor, what benefits and protections employees have under state law, and the remedies for workers who are misclassified. Order Updated Poster >
September 16, 2019 New Jersey Child Labor Law Abstract
The New Jersey Child Labor Law Abstract poster has been updated to reflect that employers subject to the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) are required to pay the federal minimum wage to minors not covered by a wage order. In addition, minors 16 and 17 years of age involved in street trades, are prohibited from working before 7:00 am or after 7:00 pm. Order Updated Poster >
June 19, 2019 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $8.85 per hour to $10.00 per hour effective July 1, 2019. Future minimum wage increases were also added to the poster applicable to most employers through 2024 and small employers and agricultural employers having smaller increases through 2027. This posting appears on the New Jersey Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
June 17, 2019 New Jersey Unemployment Insurance
The New Jersey Unemployment Insurance poster has been updated with new information on how to file for unemployment or disability insurance benefits.  The web addresses for filing for benefits online were also updated. Order Updated Poster >
May 29, 2019 New Jersey Family Leave Act
The New Jersey Family Leave Act poster has been updated to reflect that effective June 30, 2019, the New Jersey Family Leave Act will apply to employers with 30 or more employees. The poster was also updated to clarify how much notice employees must give employers when requesting intermittent or consecutive family leave. Order Updated Poster >
May 29, 2019 New Jersey Family Leave Insurance
The New Jersey Family Leave Insurance poster has been updated to reflect that effective July 1, 2020, New Jersey law provides up to 12 weeks of family leave insurance benefits.  The poster was also updated to reflect that family leave insurance can be used for leave due to domestic or sexual violence and that employees are permitted up to 56 days of intermittent leave.  The definition of a family member was also updated. Order Updated Poster >
January 14, 2019 New Jersey Earned Sick Leave
The New Jersey Earned Sick Leave poster has been updated to reflect a clarification on when sick leave is available for use by employees. The earned sick leave can be used beginning on February 26, 2019 or the 120th calendar day after the beginning of employment, whichever is later. Order Updated Poster >
November 20, 2020 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage for agricultural employers.   The minimum wage for agricultural employers will increase from $10.30 per hour to $10.44 per hour effective January 1, 2021.  Order Updated Poster >
December 20, 2021 New Jersey Family Leave Act
The New Jersey Family Leave Act poster has been updated to reflect additional protections under the New Jersey Family Leave Act. A new law expands protections to allow employees forced to take time off to care for a family member during the COVID-19 outbreak with up to 12 weeks of unpaid family leave in a 24-month period without losing their job. The poster has also been reformatted. Order Updated Poster >
February 28, 2022 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated with information on the definition of effective minimum wage rate and the removal of 2019 minimum wage information.  The poster was also updated to reflect the minimum wage rate for direct-care staff in long-term care facilities. Order Updated Poster >
April 26, 2022 New Jersey Payment of Wages
The New Jersey Payment of Wages poster has been updated with additional contact information. The poster was also reformatted with simplified language that makes it easier to understand the requirements of the law. Order Updated Poster >
August 10, 2022 New Jersey Fair Employment
The New Jersey Fair Employment poster has been updated with additional contact information. The poster was also reformatted with simplified language that makes it easier to understand the requirements of the law. Order Updated Poster >
August 10, 2022 New Jersey Family Leave Act
The New Jersey Family Leave Act poster has been updated to reflect the remedies available to employees for violations of the law.  The poster was also updated to reflect that employees are protected from retaliation under the law for attempting to take or taking family leave or exercising other rights under the New Jersey Family Leave Act. Order Updated Poster >
January 5, 2023 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase to the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase for most employers from $13.00 per hour to $14.13 per hour effective January 1, 2023. Order Updated Poster >
March 15, 2023 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect a correction to the 2024 minimum wage increases. The 2024 minimum wages will increase to at least $15.13 per hour for employers with six or more employees and to $13.93 for smaller employers. The minimum wage rates for 2024 will be at least this amount, but could be higher based on the Consumer Price Index Order Updated Poster >
March 15, 2023 New Jersey Child Labor Law Abstract
The New Jersey Child Labor Law Abstract poster has been updated with additional information for minors ages 16 and 17. A new law permits minors ages 16 and 17 to work up to 50 hours per week and up to 10 hours per day from the last day of school year to Labor Day. The law also increases the hours from five to six before a minor must be given a 30-minute break. Order Updated Poster >
April 14, 2023 New Jersey Safe Act
The New Jersey Safe Act poster has been updated with an amendment to the New Jersey Safe Act. Under the amended Act, eligible family members now include parent-in-law, sibling, grandparent, grandchild, any individual related by blood or any other individual with a close association equivalent of a family relationship. Order Updated Poster >
November 10, 2023 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase to the 2024 minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $12.93 per hour to $13.73 per hour for seasonal and small employers effective January 1, 2024. Order Updated Poster >
December 26, 2024 New Jersey Minimum Wage
The New Jersey Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase to the 2025 minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $15.13 per hour to $15.49 per hour for most employers effective January 1, 2025. Order Updated Poster >

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