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Alert! Two New Posting Compliance Requirements for Federal Contractors

Does your business have federal government contracts? If so — and regardless of your industry — you must post additional labor law notices. In fact, as the number of businesses with government funding/contracts continues to grow, so does the need for specific postings. In recent years, government contracts have become more prevalent in industries such as construction, finance/banking, telecommunications, technology, transportation, and the non-profit sector, so all affected businesses need to understand their posting obligations.

Here are the two latest:

  • New Federal Contractor Paid Sick Leave Poster, effective January 1, 2017
    The Department of Labor (DOL) announced a final rule that requires federal contractors to provide paid sick leave to employees who work on or in connection with certain federal contracts. The rule allows covered workers to use up to 56 hours a year of paid leave if they’re sick, or need to take care of a sick family member, see a doctor or take a family member to a medical appointment. Workers may also use paid sick leave for reasons related to domestic violence, sexual assault or stalking.
  • Updated Federal Contractor Minimum Wage Poster, effective January 1, 2017
    The DOL published a notice of the minimum wage rate to be paid, beginning January 1, 2017, for workers connected with federal contracts covered by Executive Order 13658, Establishing a Minimum Wage for Contractors. By this date, federal contractors must pay covered workers at least $10.20 an hour.
    (Under the Executive Order, signed on February 12, 2014, contractors were initially required to pay covered workers at least $10.10 an hour as of January 1, 2015. In 2016, the Secretary of Labor adjusted the amount to $10.15 an hour.) This update will most likely impact a handful of posters: Federal Contractor Minimum Wage, Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act/Service Contract Act, Notice to Workers with Disabilities/Special Minimum Wage and Davis-Bacon.

Besides these new posters, the current federal posting requirements depend on the types of contracts and the value of the contracts. The most common postings are:

  • “EEO is the Law” Supplement (New in January 2016)
  • Pay Transparency Statement (New in January 2016)
  • DOD Fraud Hotline
  • DOD Whistleblower
  • NLRA (required by EO 13496)
  • E-Verify/Right to Work
  • Walsh-Healey Public/Service Contracts
  • ARRA Whistleblower Rights
  • DHS Fraud Hotline
  • Notice to Workers with Disabilities
  • DOT Federal Highway Construction
  • Davis-Bacon

Keep Current with Rapidly Changing Compliance Requirements

Federal contractor posting has seen a lot of action, with 17 mandatory changes since 2009. Not only is the pace of change brisk, but the risk of noncompliance is substantial. Penalties can be severe, including steep fines up to suspension or cancellation of federal contracts.

Remember: There are many different types of businesses that may be covered by federal contractor poster requirements — from financial institutions and technology corporations to auto dealers and other retailers.

If you’re one of these businesses, be certain you’re up to date with the latest postings with Poster Guard® Compliance Protection for Federal Contractors.

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