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Labor Law Updates

March 20, 2020 Illinois ISERRA
The Illinois ISERRA poster has been updated to clarify the rights, benefits and obligations under ISERRA. The poster clarifies that employers maintain the right to provide greater benefits at their discretion. This posting appears on the Illinois Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
December 20, 2019 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $8.25 to $9.25 per hour effective January 1, 2020. Future minimum wage increases were also added to the poster through 2025. This posting appears on the Illinois Combination Poster. Order Updated Poster >
September 3, 2020 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois Victims' Economic Security and Safety Act (VESSA) poster has been released by the Illinois Department of Labor.  The VESSA Act allows employees who are victims of domestic or sexual violence to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave to seek assistance. The Act also prohibits employers from discriminating against employees who are victims of domestic or sexual violence. Order Updated Poster >
December 17, 2020 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase to the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $10.00 per hour to $11.00 per hour effective January 1, 2021. The 2020 minimum wage rate was also removed from the poster and future minimum wage increases are reflected on the poster through 2025. Order Updated Poster >
March 16, 2021 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois VESSA poster has been updated to reflect that victims of gender violence are entitled to the same protections provided to victims of domestic and sexual violence. Order Updated Poster >
July 30, 2021 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois VESSA poster has been updated with new contact information for the Illinois Department of Labor, Springfield office for requesting additional information. Order Updated Poster >
July 30, 2021 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated with new contact information for the Illinois Department of Labor, Springfield office for requesting information or filing a complaint. Order Updated Poster >
January 10, 2022 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois VESSA poster has been updated to expand the list of reasons for which job-protected leave is available. A new law allows employees to take leave if they or a covered family or household member is a victim of any crime of violence. Order Updated Poster >
January 10, 2022 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage. The minimum wage will increase from $11.00 per hour to $12.00 per hour effective January 1, 2022. The 2021 minimum wage rate was also removed from the poster and future minimum wage increases are reflected on the poster through 2025. Order Updated Poster >
January 5, 2023 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated to include information on the recent amendments to the state’s One Day Rest in Seven Act.  Employers are now required to provide employees with an additional 20-minute break if they work more than 7.5 continuous hours and provide at least twenty-four consecutive hours of rest in every consecutive seven-day period. The poster was also updated with the removal of the 2022 minimum wage rate. Order Updated Poster >
March 8, 2023 Illinois Pregnancy Rights
The Illinois Pregnancy Rights poster has been updated with a new website address for filing complaints and obtaining the Department of Human Rights’ fact sheet. Order Updated Poster >
January 3, 2024 Illinois Paid Leave
The Illinois Paid Leave poster has been released by the Illinois Department of Labor. A new law requires employers to provide employees with up to 40 hours of paid leave per year to be used for any reason. Employers are also required to post this notice where employees can readily see it. Order Updated Poster >
January 8, 2024 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois VESSA poster has been updated to reflect an amendment to VESSA allowing employees to take up to two weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave from work to attend a funeral, arrange a funeral, or grieve, if a family or household member is killed in a crime of violence. Order Updated Poster >
January 8, 2024 Illinois No Smoking
The Illinois No Smoking poster has been updated to reflect that the use of e-cigarettes is also prohibited in the workplace. Order Updated Poster >
January 8, 2024 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage. Effective January 1, 2024, the minimum wage will increase from $13.00 per hour to $14.00 per hour. The poster was also reformatted and information was added to the poster on the new paid leave and expanded violent crime victims’ leave requirements. Order Updated Poster >
February 8, 2024 Illinois Paid Leave
The Illinois Paid Leave poster has been updated with a telephone number employees can use to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Labor, Leave Rights Division. The poster was also updated with information regarding frontloading paid leave. Employers may provide employees with all paid leave hours at the start of a 12-month period and any unused frontloaded leave does not have to be carried over. The poster was also updated to clarify employees earn up to 40 hours of paid leave per year. Order Updated Poster >
February 8, 2024 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois VESSA poster has been updated with a new website address employees can use to file a complaint with the Illinois Department of Labor. The poster was also updated with the addition of fax numbers for the different Department of Labor office locations. Order Updated Poster >
December 18, 2024 Illinois Equal Pay Act
The Illinois Equal Pay Act poster has been released by the Illinois Department of Labor. The poster was updated to reflect recent updates to the Equal Pay Act that require employers to disclose pay and benefit information in all job postings. Order Updated Poster >
December 30, 2024 Illinois Captive Audience
The Illinois Captive Audience poster has been released to comply with a law that requires employers to post a notice in the workplace regarding discrimination for nonparticipation in employer-sponsored meetings about religious or political matters. The law prohibits employers from taking adverse action against an employee who declines to attend employer-sponsored meetings regarding religious or political matters. Order Updated Poster >
January 14, 2025 Illinois VESSA
The Illinois VESSA poster has been updated to clarify that employees who have worked at least 1,250 hours in the previous 12 months working for employers with 50 or more employees are entitled to 2 additional weeks unpaid leave for certain reasons relating to a family or household member’s death due to a crime of violence. Order Updated Poster >

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