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Labor Law Updates

February 8, 2024 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated with new hotline numbers for reporting violations. The Paid Leave section of the poster was also updated with information regarding frontloading paid leave. Employers may provide employees with all paid eave hours at the start of a 12-month period and any unused frontloaded leave does not have to be carried over. Order Updated Poster >
December 30, 2024 Illinois Minimum Wage
The Illinois Minimum Wage poster has been updated to reflect an increase in the minimum wage. Effective January 1, 2025, the minimum wage will increase from $14.00 per hour to $15.00 per hour. The minimum wage for tipped employees will increase from $8.40 per hour to $9.00 per hour and the youth wage will increase to $13.00 per hour. The poster was also updated to clarify working hours for minors, with information regarding transparency in job postings, and details that employers must provide employee pay stubs for every pay period. Order Updated Poster >

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